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Thank you for visiting Stress Relief Audios. Would you like to sample products from other Vendors?

My focus has been to design audios that help people get to that "quiet place within" and to provide them at very affordable prices. This simple strategy has brought me a great deal of satisfaction and pleasure, but limited the number and scope of productics I have produced. If you haven't found what you are looking for here, check out the links below.

The following links have samples you can try for free.

If you are looking for a broader approach, I recommend you visit Holothink. Total Tranquility is one of their CDs that has a similar focus and intent as my work but a slightly different approach. Many people find it very effective. Sample it for free to see how well it works for you. They also have one called Laser Focus that is quite different from my work both in structure and intent. When I tried it I did feel energized just as they promised. I have found their products to be effective and reasonably priced. Holothink also has a comprehensive package called Digital Sandman that has a group of audios related to sleep and relaxation, as well as one called "Expresso."

If you are interested in a more structured or formal approach the Brainex company has a series of CDs designed to be used over an extended period of time. They are designed to achieve a wide range of results. Theirs is a complete package with CDs, MP3s, manuals and access to videos. The CDs (or MP3s) are meant to be used in a progression, as each prepares you for the next. A "no questions asked" guarantee and free trial make it risk free and worth your attention. The audios have several layers and techniques which make them highly effective. They have a site with a more detailed explaination of their system or you can listen to an 11 minute video by their design engineer explaining their approach.

May Good Fortune Smile Upon You and Your Journey,

John Widler ,


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